The Fellowship of Christian Business & Professional Women

FCBPW Membership
The Fellowship of Christian Business & Professional Women (FCBPW) is a nonprofit organization, established to encourage and strengthen Christian women in becoming everything God intends them to be. As revealed in scripture, we exhort one another to be women of noble character (Ruth 3:11 and Proverbs 31:10-31) and to be kindhearted women who gain the respect of others (Prov. 11:16). Our members represent a broad spectrum of professionals with diverse backgrounds and experiences. FCBPW holds quarterly fellowship lunches on Zoom the second Wednesday of February, May, August and November, in which professionals give their testimony and encourage women to share their faith in the marketplace. We also offer the opportunity to attend special events and participate in community volunteer project throughout the year. FCBPW holds evening Bible studies on Zoom the third Wednesday of each month. Click here for Bible Study details.
Benefits of Membership
FCBPW is rebranding and redesigning our web presence in April & May 2024!
Receive a $5 member discount for each in-person luncheon meeting as applicable. (Zoom lunches are free)
Membership referral bonus of one free FCBPW event ticket (for you or a guest) for every four new members referred
Incusion in Membership Directory at FCBPW.org, with profiles and quick links to you professional and personal invitations and recommendations, including links to your commerce, such as merchandise and paid events.
Opportunity to be featured in our new Members Spotlight section (beginning May 2024) on our website, which will feature one Member each month, chosen by drawing at an Board Meeting. Spotlight Members will submit a business and/or personal spotlight with content you choose to highlight. This section will have more space than our online Membership Directory for heighted visual impact. Feel free to submit logos and photos and tell the story of your business, your upcoming event, or your personal or family endeavors.
Beginning May 2024, we are accepting Members’ submissions to our Pause for Reflection section, once available only to our featured speakers and Board. This tab reflects on a spiritual truth or an invitation to a ministry opportunity the writer recommends. Reflection space will be available for up to 12 Members per calendar year, and published in the order we receive submissions.
Receipt and inclusion in the digital FCBPW Members Contact List (CSV).
Opportunity to sponsor an FCBPW luncheon or event.
Eligibility for FCBPW Board positions and committee opportunities.
Membership fee pro-rated on a quarterly basis for new Members.
Membership Dues and Term
FCBPW Annual Membership is $50, with the membership term beginning January 1 and ending on December 31 of the same year. New members are welcome to join at any time of the year and pay a pro-rated fee for membership, corresponding with the time of the year they enroll. Memberships are pro-rated every 3 months of the membership term after January 1st to reflect the portion of the membership term remaining. Pro-rated amount to join for the remainder of the membership year are as follows: New members joining from April 1 through June 30, $37.50; joining from July 1 through September 30, $25; joining from October 1 through December 31, $12.50.
Click here to join FCBPW!
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